So this afternoon I was sittin' around just usin' mine laser eyes to tele-path-icly beam the idea that some treats would be a good idea when ....
Hey! Is that the door-buzz?
Oh, its the bloo-shorts folks.
they's always hittin' the door-buzz coz we got's a small mail box and mine mombean was compainin' that bloo-shorts folks was stuffin' and jammin' the mail in the box. It was gettin' all bent and smooshed and wadded up, and some of her mag-zines was getting ripped. Grrrrr, she said.
Well, today when she gots back from the mail box she said:
"Hey, Beezie," (she calls me Beezie sometimes) "there is a package for you!"
I could tell right away that it must be from mine pal Skeezix, coz it had P-I-N-K tape on it! Where he got pink tape I donno'.
Look at what he sent me! Some totally cool Skeezie cards, I'm only gonna send these to mine bestest friends. There is a selection of 4 cards (2 of each) so's I can have just the right card for the occation. Like Rock Star Skeezix for a happy birthday (50's or 80's), or Skeez-a-lisa for a get well, or Skeezix Gothic for con-cat-ulation for a new jobbie or home. They's blank on the inside so I can write whatever I want to make it personal.
There is also some great Catster swag! And some Skeezix and Catster button pins that I gave to mine mombean (after she begged and gived me treats) so she can put them on her backpack that she takes everywhere.
Thank you, thank you Skeezix!
You are a great pal!
I'm sure that everyone who gets a special Skeezix card will think you are handsome.
The Murph’s So Annoyed Selfie
6 hours ago