Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Beezer Cocktail

Mmmmm.... just a last sip!

Beezer Cocktail

Adapted from a recipe by William "Chili Bill" Eichinger, bartender at Finnegan's Wake in San Francisco.

"And why Beezer?"

"Named for a polydactyl cat that just passed away, apparently. Six toes on every paw."
(Not my Beezer .... another Beezer Cat in San Francisco.
But how can a drink named after a cat named Beezer be bad?)


2 ounces bourbon (high-proof recommended)

1/2 ounce B & B liqueur

2 dashes Fee Brother's peach bitters

1 maraschino cherry, for garnish (optional)


Fill a mixing glass two-thirds full with ice and add all of the ingredients. Stir for approximately 30 seconds, and strain into a chilled cocktail glass. Add the garnish.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Or one for Toast, The Toast Toddy