Well, I’ve been tagged by my fellow big ‘n’ ginger friends, Fat Eric and Eric & Flynn.
Here are the rules: The player of this game starts with "5 weird things/habits about yourself and your humans.” At the end you need to choose 5 people to be tagged and list their names. Don't forget to leave your victim a comment that says "you're tagged!" in their comments and tell them to read your blog.
1. My real name is Butterball. I’m named in honor of a great ginger and white kitty my person knew as a little girl. He lived on her grandfather’s farm.
2. I love the bathroom! I have my snuggle bed there (for when its cold) and I like to hide under the big claw foot tub when ever there are visitors. (I’m a one person kinda kitty).
3. I won’t eat people food. Ever! Maybe just a little juice from a tuna can, but that’s it.
4. I like to nap in my kitty carrier.
5. I was on TV (that’s the telly to you UK kitties)! The day I picked my person there were some people from the local TV news there to do a story on the SPCA and the kitties (and d*gs) that needed homes. Coz I was the first to go to a forever home they made me a star.
I tag:
Rico Loco, Brandi, Rafe and Rhett
Oh, its so hard to find 5 people who haven't been tagged so I just have 3. I think its coz we live in San Francisco and we are the last to see everything.
Other great kitties can be found at the Friday Ark
The Murph’s So Annoyed Selfie
8 hours ago
wow, you're a real tv star! furry cool!
Hi Beezer,
Can you come over to Caturday and see about helping Ramona with her Top Cat team for the shelter? Love to have you on the team!
our email is ZulemeATCaturday.com
oops that email isn't working, try
We thought Butterball was a turkey...gobble gobble.
Beezer you are so cute..you look like my ginger brofur Ping!
Beezy...we never knew you are a celebrity! See what you can find out about us from these lists?
You been on TV??? Can we purrlease haf your awtogrraff. An we fink that Beezer suits you better than Butterball, cos we haf butterball turkeys too an they are birds. Big birds though.
You should be on TV more acoz you are soooooo purty. A Ginger and a Tuxie at the same time. Furry cute.
Very impressed that you were on TV, Beezer, but worried that you like to sleep in the Evil Cat Carrier. How can you? I run a mile whenever I see it coming!
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