Oh, dear! Now my girl wants to go dancing.
Put your right - no left paw in and shake it...
I'm not sure about this, Precious Flower.
I think I may need some lessons!
The Murph’s So Annoyed Selfie
8 hours ago
There are two means of refuge from the miseries of life: music and cats. ---Albert Schweitzer
My Peculiar Aristocratic Title is: The Right Reverend Beezer the Talkative of Walk upon Water Get your Peculiar Aristocratic Title |
I know you can do this Beezer. Just keep practicing. Maybe we can get a TV show.
"Dancing with the CatStars"
It is easy Beezie. Mittens is the bestest teacher, she taught Miles real good. You can teleport over and we can practice, or just purr, if you like.
You look like you are catching on, in the picture.
Oh I know Beezer, dancing iz hard. Zippy iz teeching me and Sadie. Sadie iz catching on faster but dats cuz she iz a gerl.
Beezer, it's hard to lern, but I didded it, and if I can didded it, you can didded it too!!!! Just konsentrate! - Miles
You can doo it, Beezer!
Sanjee, Boni, Mini, Pepi and Gree
I can tell you have natural rhythm!
it's so sweet that you're learning to dance to make Precious happy. what a great guy you are!
Hey, Beezer, you've got a grate start. It's fun once you know how! I like my chicken dance meself.
I love that expression on your face!
What a nice boyfriend cat you are to practice for her. I'm know she appreciates it! Happy Valentines Day!
We know you can do it! Happy Valentine's Day!
We are sure Precious Flower will help you ~Merlin, SHadow, Ko Ko
Beezer, I never knew you were such a romantic. Amazing what falling in love can do. But remember, you are a macho man-cat too!
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