Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Out of the Dog-house

Thanks for all the support and good comments! You Puddins are the besterest friends a mancat could have.

I was a a little a-scared of the dog house after Roxy said it was outside. I've never really been outside. Just in the evil PTU to go to the v*t.

But I gave mine mombean the Love-eyes (pat.pend.) and put my front paws up on her shoulder and she started to laugh, swept me up in her arms and held me and kissed and hugged me like she always does.
"OK. You're forgiven," she said. "I can't stay mad at you. But, you really should be better about things."
HA! Like that's gonna happen!

A mancat's gotta do, want a mancat gottsta do! And that means 'vestigating everything to make sure that I know everything 'bout everything.

Roxy, maybe that'll work for you. You can borrow my Love-eyes (pat.pend.) if ya wanna.
You too Monty.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

In the dog-house

This morning mine mombean left her coffee cup, with a little coffee still in it, on the table when she went to take her shower. She usually puts it up on the bookshelf. Where I can't get at it.

Well, as any self respecting kitty will tell you, we just *have* to know everything, and if we don't know what something is we *have* to go 'vestigating. I just wanted to know what was in there. So I knocked it over to get a good sniff, and it fell to the floor.

I guess she heard the sound and she yelled "Beezer!!". She jumped out of the shower, with some gunk in her hair, and all drippy and came running.
She saw the spilled coffee and said, in her very angry voice "What did you do? WHAT! Did you do??" Like she couldn't just see. She hadda get a sponge and wipe up most of it right then. Then she went and finished her shower. After she got out for the second and final time she got the sponge and wiped everything again.

She then told me I'm in the dog-house. I'm not sure what that means. I wonder if my friend Roxy 'The Devil Dog' knows what that means. She says I should hang my head in shame. So, that's what I'm doin'.

She says that I know better.
But, its not like I haven't done the same thing lots of times before.
It wasn't really my fault, was it?

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Talk Like A Pirate!

Arrrggggg, me hearties!!

Tis talk like a Pirate day. If any of you lilly-livered scally-wags refuse to talk like a Pirate you'll be walking the bubble wrap and I'll be burnin' yer feet with my laser eyes till all that's left is fit for the chum bucket.


Monday, September 17, 2007

You Scream, I Scream,

We all scream for Ice Cream!!

You Are Cherry Garcia Ice Cream

You're the coolest cat around, but too laid back to let it get to your head

This makes sense. Jerry Garcia lived San Francisco; I live in San Francisco. He was a famous musician; mombean tells me I sing for my supper. Now if I just liked ice cream..... I'd really rather have a tuna-tini!!

Thursday, September 13, 2007

How I got my name

My good pal Millie has started a meme on how we kitties got our names. My story goes back a long time......

You see, my real name is Butterball. No, its not coz I came to my forever home the day before Thanksgiving. No, its not coz I had a cute lil' belly when I was a kitten. It goes farther back than that.

When mine mombean was a little girl she used to spend a few weeks every summer on her Grandfather's farm in Rhode Island (click on the link to learn a little about the state), and there were 3 kinds of cats on the farm.

At the top was Smokey a gray pure breed Persian who lived in the house (mostly the living room). He was fat and spoiled and never went outside. He was cranky-hissy and did not like little girls. He would run and hide when he saw mine mombean or her sister.

At the bottom there were countless (every year mine mombean would try to count them, but she never could) feral and semi-feral "barn cats". This was a working horse farm and the barn cats were an essential part of the functioning of the farm. They kept the field mice and critters out of the horse's feed-grain, the tack room and hay loft. They had the run of the barn and fields and there was always a big bowl of water that was filled twice a day when the horse's water was filled, and kept where it wouldn't freeze in the winter. They also had crunchies to eat, but as Eric and Flynn will tell you fresh caught mouse is darn good to eat! They slept in the hay loft out of the rain, cold and snow. As hard as she tried she could never catch and pet and play with these kitties.

But, in the middle was Butterball "the kitchen cat", a big ginger and white man-cat. He would go outside and catch a mouse now and then, but mostly he napped on a chair in the kitchen (he wasn't allowed in the rest of the house) where he could see all that was going on and get choice tidbits like fresh caught Bass from the pond and fresh milk along with his crunchies. He was kind and gentle and liked to have mine mombean pet him, hold him in her lap and even carry him around. He would purr and purr and never got hissy or ever tried to scratch her. She would even play dress up with him and put hats and doll clothes on him but he never got upset; even though you could tell by the nicks on his ears and a scar on his nose that he wasn't the type to run from a fight. Oh, sometimes he would have enough with a little girl's play, and go out side to nap under a bush in the yard or some secret spot. Mine mombean and her sister made up lots of nick names and songs for him. the best was "B-ball, baby and I don't mean maybe!"

He was well loved by all and lived to be a very old cat before he went to the bridge.

When mine mombean first saw me she thought of her old friend from long ago when she was little. So, to honor a grand cat she named me Butterball after him.

Of course, I was just an 8-week old kitten and full of the kind of mischief a kitten is full of. I had a lot to learn about, well, everything! Like not to chew and play with electric cords, not to unroll all of the toilet tissue or knock over the trash can in her study or scratch on th Futon. I heard the word "NO!" a lot. First it was, "Butterball, NO!" but by the time she said all that I had run away. So, then she tried calling me "B-Ball", then "B-B" and "Bees" and finally she said "Beezer". We both knew right away that its was the perfect name for me, and I've been Beezer ever since.

I tag:

Eric and Flynn



All gorgeous Gingers to tell the stories of their names.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Holiday Gizzy

Wow! Wow!! Woweee!!!!!!!!!!!

Look at this beautious Holiday Quilt.
(Its #4 for those who want to know)

I only got to lay on it for a few minutes then mine mombean picked it up and put it way. She said I was getting a little too happy with the great nip ravioli. Hummppfff!

We're sending it to my cousins in Mass-achoo-sits for their holiday gift. It won't be opened again until December. Do you know how long it is till then? I can't count that high for all the naps it will take.

It is soooo beautiful, I know that Spencer, Audrey, and Emily will love it. I hope that Spencer, the mancat of the tribe, gets to nap on it a lot. He's a silver tiger stripe fellow, and I know that he'll look really great sleeping on it. Audrey and Emily are Tuxies and they'll look good too, but they have princess pillows to sleep on.

During the winter they all like to nap in front of the franklin stove 'coz its the warmest place in the house. Now they will each have a special spot.

Thank you, Thank you Millie, Jasmine and Mom Lynne. This is gonna be the besterest Christmas ever!!

Sunday, September 02, 2007

A Little R&R

Many friends have gone to the bridge. It is a sad and lonely time, but the memories are all the sweeter knowing we will be together again one day.

Sometimes a feller just needs a little shut eye.