I have been a very good boy all year. I mean I hardly did anything that got the mombean upset. I snuggle with her every evening for lap time, I give her losts of purrs and love eyes (which she really likes).
This year I'd really like to have a new bed that is big enough for a king-sized mancat like me. As you can see my bed is too small for me when I want to stretch out for a nap.
Oh, and some treats would be nice. I love temptations of all flavors, and seafood bestest of all. The soft chewy kind like Pounce are good too!
And some stinky goodness would be nice.
Maybe a few rolly balls, and soft pouncey toys, and some jumpy toys if you have a little extra room.
And for the mombean ... she has a list I'm sure she'll be sending along but a zip up sweater that doesn't show my ginger furs would be a good start!
Your Pal,