Every night after mine mombean has done all the things that she does ... I don't know ... stuff at the hot box, stuff at the sink, stuff where she kicks me outta the desk chair ... ya know. I make her sit down and watch a little TV. Then I get in her lap and just relax. I like to look up at her and give her the Love Eyes.
(Oh, she says don't look at the plaid PJ pants and soft 'n' old big shirt she has on!)

Look at these nice awards that mine brofur from andder mudder
Ping gave to me!
Thanks, Pal, You Rock Dude!!
I pass these awsome awards on to:
Fat Eric (from one ginger bro to another, to another!)
The sweeties at
House of the (Mostly) Black CatsAnd anyone else who wants to play
Okay, I'm not looking anywhere but at your eyes - those *do look so loving! :)
Beezer, you make the great love eyes!
Those love eyes are enough to make any Bean melt.
awww mommy says you make wonderful love eyes
Mom has sleeping pants that look a lot like that. We like them very much, because it means she will be home for a while and we can give her love eyes, too!
Those are great love eyes, Beezer. We don't see the plaid pants, what are you talking about?
Sorry,that was Mom!! She loves your love eyes:) heehee
Cuddles with Mom are the best!!
Nothing wrong with comfy clothes ;)
Purrs Mickey
Ah, those are wonderful Love Eyes!
Aw, fanks Beezer! We fink yore the best too!
That's a furry cute pikshur. Mommy SQUEEEEe'd too.
Sanjee and the resta the Hotties
We love the Love Eyes!
Wally, Ernie & Zoey
Mommies are suckers for the Love Eyes!
Congratz on you awards, Beez.
Ahhhh, you do look content.
You know those eyes of yours will melt all the lady cats hearts...us ginger boys are definite heart throbs.
from your brother of another mother
That is a very sweet picture of you giving your Mombean the love eyes :-)
Congratulations on your awards, they're very well deserved!
Congratulations on your awards, Beezer - and thank you very much for passing them on to me!
That is a great photo of the love eyes. I do that too. Only floofier. And with drooling. I leave wet patches on my human's clothes with my happy drool after a really good cuddling session!
Fat Eric
Der is nothing wrong wif da mom putting on some nice comfy clothes and sitting down (or even laying down) so we can snuggle dem. Yoo give great love eyes.
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