Can I get breakfast in bed?
My good pals Eric and Flynn tagged me!
Here are my favorites:
Time of day:
Lap time!!
This happens at least twice a day; first thing in the morning when the mombean drinks her coffee and wakes up. And at the end of the day when she settles in to read or watch TV. I love to snuggle in and I gives her the love eyes and lots of purrs.
Day of week:
Any day of the week that she doesn't get out the noisy rug machine.
Season of year:
Crab season! Salmon season!!
My gottcha day! I get lots of special hugs and kisses.
I've never been, but I like when she comes back from one. She has really great smells on her clothes and shoes!
I don't have one. But, any song she doesn't sing is OK by me. My mombean couldn't carry a tune in a bucket.
We had some flowers once and I put the bite on them. Yuck!! they taste icky.
Any movie she watchs is good. It means more lap time!
Ick! Yuck!!
One time when, I was a little guy, I was in the bathroom, getting ready to sit in the sink nad I knocked the soap into the sink. I laid down on top of it. It was cold and squishie, so I wanted to clean it off. I licked it and it tasted really bad and it made my mouth all funny. I ran to the mombean and she got all up set coz she didn't know what happened. She scooped me up, smelled the soap, and put me in the big sink in the kitchen and put water all over me to get it off. She even put water on my mouth! It was awful!!
I hates soap.
I'll sniff it, not gonna eat it.
Any time is good for a snack! I really like the temp-taste-ons that Eric and Flynn sent me.
Crunchy is the kind I eat most days, but tuna and salmon are great.
I get the best food at home so why go out?
OK, I answered all the questions. Now do I get breakfast in bed?
The Murph’s So Annoyed Selfie
7 hours ago
What a terrible soap experience you had, Beezer! It's no wonder you do not like soap. My Mommie cannot sing a note either.
Oh, Beezie, it was so interesting learning things about you....*sweetly smiles*
Your, Precious
Yuk, soap is furry icky. Did yoo get yoor brekfast in bed?
Did you maybe get some of those Temptations from Eric & Flynn? That would be a good snack in bed, especially if you didn't get your breakfast in bed!
yes Beezie, you deserve brekfest in bed!
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