Thursday, January 10, 2008

I'm So Mad!

I'm so mad I could hiss and spit!!

My good pals Bonnie Underfoot and Victor Tabbycat alerted me to the website owned by Purina that linked to my very own bloggy, this one here, the one you are reading.

Purina did not ask me, and I did not approve this use!

I do not endorse any Purina products.

I don't, and have never, eaten any Purina food. They use gluten and by-products. That stuff is icky!
I eat only the best premium, holistic food my mom can feed me. I take what I eat very seriously.
(if you want to know which brand put a note in the comments and I'll let you know)

This blog is just for fun and not for any commercial use of any kind.

I think it is very, very, rude of them to use/link to my blog on a commercial website without asking! Mine mombean called them and told them that their use was without permission and that they should remove the link immediately.

Oh, my blogoshphere friends can link to me on their bloggies, just as we have always done, to keep up with our friends and meet new friends, for personal use. We are just having fun! We are kitties not corporations trying to make a buck.

I may from time mention some toy, treat, or food that I especially enjoy; just as any kitty or bean might want to tell a friend about something they especially like. But, its only as friend to friend to tell you what I like and never for compensation or commercial use.

The cat blogosphere has always been, for me, about friends and fun and the love of good kitties and their beans, and helping other kitties too.

OK, I think I feel a little better now.
Sorry for the long rant. I'll post my 7 weird things meme tomorrow.


LZ said...

Oh you do look mad. I can see why you're so upset and we agree with you, we do this for fun- nothing else.


Rosemary B❤️ said...

This is very very disturbing!
Beezer, you should be very mad and guess what, we are hissing too!

Purrrs, Princess

The Meezers or Billy said...

it's OK to be mad Beezer. Businesses should not link to our bloggies without our permission.

The Devil Dog said...

Well, that is very rude. You have every right to be upset.


Samantha & Mom said...

We would be upset, too! You shouldn't use it commercially if you don't ask permission. Let's all hiss at them!
We would like to know what food you use for Beezer. Thanks.
Your FL furiends,

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Hmph, dat was not furry nice of dem and we do not blame yoo fur getting hissy about it. We is looking fur a food dat all of us will eat. We gotsa eat seperate now cuz my sisfurs can pretty much eat anything but I can't and I've been eating Wellness but I tend to sneak some of my sisfurs food den barf...what do you eat, Beezer, maybe we will all like it den I wouldn't hafta be yelled at fur trying to get in der food. Zippy is picky and won't touch da Wellness otherwise we would all eat it.

Max said...

Tell 'em they can link to me. I don't eat Purina stuff, but if they send me traffic, I might sell more books and make more money.

Moo Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha... :)

Anonymous said...

I thot it was kinda kewl, but I wasn't finkin bout it bein a commercial blog an implying you support dem. It's just basic manners to ask afore linking, an especially in an arctical or mewsletter!

Mine Dad can't eat gluten cuz his sisfur gots Silly Yak disease (celiac). Gluten is a reglar part of flour. Mom gives us Wellness and Core cuz they got fewer bi-products. Purrs!

The Cat Realm said...

We emailed Karl about this and he wrote Nestle right away! A very mad email, we think, he sounded outraged!
He hates Nestle and says a lot of their stuff makes not only pets but also humans very sick. We eat only Innova Evo as it is one of the only cat foods without much grain in it. We still would like to be contacted if any commercial company makes advertisement (and money!)by using a link to us.
If you want to sue for damages we'll support you. Maybe in exchange for that neat bed you have..... hahahahahahahahahahaha!
Emil and Mrs.OZ
Karl should be back from Antarctica Sunday...

MISS PEACH ~(^.^)~ said...

oh beezer i am so sorry you feel so violated by this act of theirs. a case of yak and hair balls on their pillows!



I am really upset that this company linked to your bloggie without your permission. YOU have a right to be very upset. That's not right. I hope that they immediately took off the link.


Daisy said...

That was very wrong of them! I am glad you took action.

Artsy Catsy said...

Beezer, my friend, you do look a tad teed off! You have the same expression I get when my human does something without first asking my permission! But it's much easier to forgive a mombean than it is to forgive yucky Purina.


Shaggy and Scout said...

Way to tell 'em Beezer!
We'd like to know what you eat too....

Bonnie Underfoot said...

I've hissed and growled. I don't allow anything without my permission. In fact, I read Purina's rules for linking TO THEM and their Terms of Use... Well! I had to growl and hiss some more.

Beezer, you might want to add a copyright/license to your blog to prevent future "misunderstandings". Creative Commons license is the one we use and Flickr recommends for their users. Answer the questions and they'll give you code for the restrictions you want, and you just paste that into your sidebar or even footer. We have it at the bottom of our right sidebar.

Tyler said...

I'd like to know what brand you eat. My email address is:

I understand why you were angry. We're glad that you found out about it so your mom could be proactive.

Yeah mom!

Jan Price said...

Well, that was rude! Little kitty against the giant corporation and little kitty won. Now that's news.

jans funny farm

Sunny's Mommy said...

I would be mad, too. I'm glad they took it down for you.

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

We jus noticed this! We're curious how you found out and where Purina lists these links.

While unnerstanding that you aee rightfully upset, we think it is a little funny. Cause if some company did that ta us, we would start trashin their product in our blog an NOT TELL THEM. Ha-ha-hah!