Saturday, January 26, 2008

Nickname Meme

Here are the rules for the Nicknames Meme:
Post a link to the kitty who tagged you, and post the rules on your blog. List your real name, how you got your real name, nicknames you like/tolerate, and nicknames you wish your humans would stop calling you. Tag several kitties, and write a comment on their blog to let them know they have been tagged.

Ok, ok. I'll wake up and post my answer.

My good pal (and twin from a different mamacat), Ping and his sister Boo tagged me.
I wrote a long post about how I got my name before so you can go read that. Really, its great story -- if I do say so myself, and I just did!

Now, lets see nick names .... Humm ...... The names I like:

I get called Sweet Potato and Sweet Potato Pie, Sweet Pea, do you see a theme here?

And I get called Boo or Beezie Boo. This is because as a kitten I liked to play pounce and tag the feet. I'd hide next to a chair or something and jump or pounce on a foot (preferably bare) and tag the foot then run away. Mine mombean would say "Boo!" and jump a little. It was a really fun game that we both really liked. I don't do anymore now that I'm a grown up mancat, its really more a kitten's game. Now whenever I kinda sneak up, or just walk up quietly behind her she says "Boo! There you are." and I rub against her legs. Its just a little thing we do that makes us happy.

Sometimes she calls me Sweet Boy or Good Boy or Silly Boy when she hugs me and I really like that. I give her purrs and head butts in return, she really likes that.

The names I don't like:

Waddles, Belly Boy, Pudgy or just Pudg. Like she should talk!
And the name I really don't like is Damn It No!

I tag:
Ping (coz I'd really like to know where he gots his name)

And I tag Daisy. I know that she is a very sweet girl I'm sure that she has a great story.

Now, I'm going back to my nap.


The Devil Dog said...

I am not sure I want to play this game. I mean, after "the devil dog" what could possibly be worse.


Kimo and Sabi said...

Hmmmm....all of a sudden we gots hungry.

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Hmm, naps...sounds good to us too

Laura W said...

What adorable photos of your darling body! ML would call you Darling Boy. (and probably Tubbo. Sorry. She loves that name.)

Sunny's Mommy said...

Sweet Potato Pie is such a cute nickname!

I wouldn't like "Damn It No" either. That's a bad nickname.



You also get called BeezieBOO? Wow I think that is really cool. I also like Sweet Potato Pie...that is so cute!

Your Buddy