I'm Beezer and I disapprove of this post.
A friend sent me a link to a cute blog called Disapproving Rabbits. One look and Beezer said:
"I disapprove of things too!"
And indeed he does. The above photo is of him disapproving of the vacuum cleaner.
There are two means of refuge from the miseries of life: music and cats. ---Albert Schweitzer
My Peculiar Aristocratic Title is: The Right Reverend Beezer the Talkative of Walk upon Water Get your Peculiar Aristocratic Title |
That is definitely a disapproving look. Did it make the big vroom vroom machine go off?
TAG! I tagged you! Come visit my blog tomorrow to find out more!
Hahahaha! Very good disapproving look, Beezer.
Hi Beezer! I tagged you for a new game. Go to our blog if you want to play.
Your friend,
Excellent disapproving technique! I am taking notes.
Earl Grey
Excellent. I disapprove of many things. Loudly. I also disapprove of my woman exploiting my disapproval for her blogging pleasure. Yours in disapproving bliss,
We disapprove of da vacuum snake too! Ours duzent growl, it hisses and wissels! Mom's always plugging da snake into da wall and making it wissel! Duz da disapproving look work? Will it make her stop? Prolly not...
Well of course you disapprove of the vacuum cleaner. They're evil!
your bud Pepi
Monte and Missy both hate the vacuum too.
That is an outstanding disapproval! No question about how you feel. We are glad you are expressing exactly how you do feel. Isn't it good to release that inner tiger?
Ping(your lookalike brother under the fur)
We disapprove of the nasty sucky monster too. You look very disapproving.
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