I'll miss you sweet girl.
There are two means of refuge from the miseries of life: music and cats. ---Albert Schweitzer
My Peculiar Aristocratic Title is: The Right Reverend Beezer the Talkative of Walk upon Water Get your Peculiar Aristocratic Title |
It is furry sad about Storm.
By the way, I have a feather stick just like that! But mine is yellow and yours is green.
We are sad about Storm.
But thanks for making us smile.
purrs and tail wags
Keeping on fighting is a wonderful tribute to Storm.
She is such a winner!
I love that picture of Storm with her medal. And I hope I fight as hard as she did if I ever get sick...and that I win as good as she did.
That was a great post Beezer. We feel very sad about Storm too.
Hi Beezer. We are very sad for Stormie and her people too. Your trick whapping the CD's out of their holder is very good! I will have to put that to use when the temptations treats have not been sufficient!
Purrs, Halloween
Oh that's a sweet and wonderful tribute for Stormie.
Fanks for coming to my shower. It was lots of fun having you!
Thankks for welcoming us into your cat world!
Miss Henry & Marley too.
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