I have been looking and looking but I haven't been able to find a nose twin.
That was until I saw a post from my fellow Gorgeous Ginger pal Eric of Eric and Flynn. You see, I have spots on my nose. So does he! Not only that, but he got an email from another grreat ginger puddin named Sunny who also has spots on his nose!!
Click on the link to see their noses.
Maybe we're nose triplets!!
On the other end ...
I'm not usually a shoe guy.
(I know that some kitties like to sniff and rub on the shoes of their favorite person)
But, mine mombean has these cheap (she sez) plastic and rubber sport sandals, and well as you can see I just can't resist. I sniff and rub all over them.
She's not sure if I want to get their smell on me, or if I want to get my smell on them.
I'm not tellin'!!
The Murph’s So Annoyed Selfie
2 days ago