Thursday, December 25, 2008

Secret Paws

My Secret Paw box arrived!!
Its from Kaze, Latte & Chase, Thank you all so much!
Actually, the box arrived yesterday, but mean ol' mombean said I had to wait until to day to open....
Open, open, open!

Ooooo! A lovely new purr pad. Purr-fect for a nice snuggle.

And what is this? It looks like some of your takeout leftovers.

(please ignore mombean's feet at the bottom of the picture. I mean white sweat socks and icky-tacky wornout brown clogs. She swears she only wears them in the house! She can be soooo tacky.)

Oooooo! These are lovely! Soft and fuzzy fortune cookies filled with nip! My fortune sez I'll have a happy new year.
And a red puff and sparkle ball, my faves!

Fewwwww. After chasing around with the fortune cookies like mad I need to rest. Ah, my new purr pad in a nice sunbeam, just the thing for a little snooze. Yeah, I gives the fortune cookies 4 paws up, they are really great.

Thank you Kaze, Latte & Chase this is the best Secret Paws ever!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Dewey The Library Cat

My great pals Kimo & Sabi had a fun contest on their blog and the prize was a great book: Dewey The Small-Town Library Cat Who Touched The World.
Thank you, thank you guys!

As you can see from the cover of the book, he's a Gorgeous Ginger mancat.
I think we look a little alike. But then all ginger mancat's are handsome!

This was a fun contest, and I'm really looking forward to settling on mine mombean's lap so she can read it to me. Reading together is always a special time, and this will be a lot more fun than the history and politics books she usually reads.

Photo shoot out-take!
Hey! Where's ma head??

Monday, December 22, 2008


This fall mine cousins in Mass-a-chew-zits adopted 2 lil' kittens that needed a forever home. They came to their forever September 26, they were only 6 weeks old. Now, that is a little young to leave their catmom, but they was in a bad place and really needed a forever home.

Well, Jennie and Winston, the cutest black kittens ever, slurped up their milk replacer and munched their kitten chow and their V-E-T said they were amazingly healthy and should grow to be good cats.
They live with 2 older kitties, Spencer and Audrey, who have been helping them grow up, even though little kittens can be a pain in the tail with their antics.

In the house in Mass-a-chew-zits they have a big hot box called a Franklin Stove. See the beans make a fire in the box and it gets all warm. There is a big pillow in front of the hot box that is the warmest place in the house. Of course that is the best place to nap.

I thought that they would like to have some kitty Ham-icks so that there wouldn't be fights over the pillow. I sent the Ham-icks for their Holiday pressie. Oh, I sent some nip Raviolis too, and some treats for the big kitties!
(Click on the pics to big-i-fy)
They opened the package early, coz it was getting cold outside and all the kitties were trying to nap on 1 pillow. As, you can see they love the Ham-icks!
(sorry, the pics aren't great, the bean's don't do digital pics so these are pis of pics)

As you can see the kittens are still small enough to snuggle together on one Ham-ick! Aren't they the sweetest ever?
Or, they each have their own, Jennie likes the nip Raviolis too.
They like to chase each other back and forth and bounce on the Ham-icks like trampolines.

(Spencer was napping in a undisclosed location and wouldn't come out to have his picture taken.)

Big thanks to Forty Paws and the HotMBCs for helping me to give the best pressies ever!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Snow Day

Look at what mine good friends Diamond Emerald Eyes made for me!Its totally C-O-O-L!!
Thank you Diamond.

Because I'm a San Francisco kitty I never actually seen snow, but it does look fun.

{snort .... giggle .... laugh}

Hey, mombean, stop laughing at me! She grew up in New England where mine pal Millie lives. This is what is looks like when is snows at Millie's house. It sure looks cold. And its s'posed ta be wet too. Maybe mombean is right, its fun to look at, but ya don't want ta be in it.

I think I'll just nap in mine nice warm kitty cave.